After a few revisions, this is the first official run of the poster image for FAMILY TIE. It's "official" because I've placed an order for 250 color postcards with this image on the front (the back has a brief description of the film and space for postage, etc). It may yet change because I don't want it to forever say "THANKSGIVING 2007" and i'd like to make it a goal to get rid of these by the time the launch happens next month.
Thanks to Alan Greene and Bill Watson for chiming in with some helpful suggestions along the way, and of course Zonalpony Lopez who helped stage and shoot the poster image. I used, which looked a little shoddy at first but I found some people singing its praises online so I thought I'd give it a shot. Certainly the price is right at $50 for the whole lot.
But this is kind of exciting because somehow with the poster image in place, it feels more and more like it's really a done deal. It will feel good to have this weight lifted when i can move on to something else. At the very least, i'll have made one of my new year's resolutions.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The Family Tie Postcard - Final Version (Part 1)
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Second stab at poster
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Myspace etiquette
So in discussing the marketing and promotion of FT with Scott, I expressed that we should post comments to the friends we make with embedded versions of the teaser and/or trailer. He felt that it was an intrusive move - that it was "rude" and he wouldn't want someone else posting clips on his page. My argument, however, was that since the profile is set up for THE FAMILY TIE, the clips really do represent us to our friends. Also, I feel like in order for us to make as much noise as possible about the project, it's worth a shot to "seed the content" as it were. Besides, if someone doesn't want the video in their comments section they can delete it or deny it if they're moderating the comments section. Ultimately, I went ahead and have been doing just that - posting a comment on our friends pages and embedding the teaser for playback. I don't know, sometimes I think it might be taken as a slightly obnoxious or cheesy move, but what the hell? In the end, I can't see it really working against us.
What do you guys think?
The Family Tie: Teaser
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
First "stab" at the poster
Friday, October 5, 2007
Bill Frist. Oops, excuse me, I meant "first". As in, this is my first entry on the official FT blog. Exciting! New! The partially-completed featurette has been screened a few times at short showcases a couple of years ago, but I am well and truely psyched to see it reach a potential mass audience. All hail the wide-world interweb thingie!
I sincerely hope that when every one of you takes the opportunity to see the result of all the hard work Mugs (and, to a lesser extent, myself) has shoveled into this movie, it will leave your mind scorched and tickled. The product of his obsessions and peculiar tastes, "The Family Tie" is his masterpiece, and the very thing I have been looking forward to seeing ever since I read his first screenplay, "Frog Mutiny"--which I hated. Mugs is a gifted writer and audio-visualwork-maker, so pay attention to him! And watch his YouTube vids.
And now then I'm done stumping for us, allow me to recommend everybody go rent "Sky High", a delightful movie about superpowered kids and their very own school. Bruce Campbell is in it, and he rules.
Scott "John" Greene
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
The Family Tie website is live
Go to to see our new website all about the film. We will be updating it as the launch date nears, but keep checking the blog for the latest news on the film.
Monday, October 1, 2007
The Family Tie is Coming Soon!
While this teaser was shot 10 years ago and features a younger version of myself playing the director, the message still remains the same: "SOON!" As in, Thanksgiving soon. So, in the words of Ben Warren, brace yourself...