Saturday, October 13, 2007

Myspace etiquette

So in discussing the marketing and promotion of FT with Scott, I expressed that we should post comments to the friends we make with embedded versions of the teaser and/or trailer. He felt that it was an intrusive move - that it was "rude" and he wouldn't want someone else posting clips on his page. My argument, however, was that since the profile is set up for THE FAMILY TIE, the clips really do represent us to our friends. Also, I feel like in order for us to make as much noise as possible about the project, it's worth a shot to "seed the content" as it were. Besides, if someone doesn't want the video in their comments section they can delete it or deny it if they're moderating the comments section. Ultimately, I went ahead and have been doing just that - posting a comment on our friends pages and embedding the teaser for playback. I don't know, sometimes I think it might be taken as a slightly obnoxious or cheesy move, but what the hell? In the end, I can't see it really working against us.

What do you guys think?


The Family Tie: Teaser

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